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Our history

We are an official club of the Canary Islands, specifically of Corralejo, Fuerteventura. Created in 2023, with the philosophy of offering professional attention to each student and offering something different, our courses for a maximum of 4 students.

Our long experience as surfers over the years and our passion for surfing and surfskate have given birth to this project to share with all of you.

Efficient lessons

Reduced surf and surfskate classes to make the most of the sessions.

Community values

As members of the “surfer” community we are committed to respecting nature and especially the oceans, as well as being in harmony among people and enjoying together.

Learn and have fun!

Whether it is a temporary course or a continuous progression, in our courses you will learn without any kind of pressure and most importantly, you will have fun learning this new sport!

hola en que te podemos ayudar ?